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Usborne Book Sale

Friend, homeschooling Mom, and Usborne Book consultant Stacy Carlson has created an E-show selling Usborne books.   The schoolhouse will earn free books with every purchase you make and with August being “double free” book month, we hope to get some great books for the schoolhouse lending library!  Usborne has some really great books and many are included in popular homeschool curriculum packages.  If you’re looking for some of their titles, this is a great opportunity to order them while helping the schoolhouse at the same time!!
Below is the link to shop online. Check out the internet specials & customer specials. There are some great half priced or less books there! If you prefer to pay 8% s/h instead of the minimum $5 on line, send Stacy your order via email & she’ll call you regarding payment method. Thanks for your support & feel free to pass on to anyone interested in getting some books for their kids/grandkids/friends or anyone who wants to buy a book for the schoolhouse! Usborne has the best children’s books around for infants through high school! To shop E show for Union Schoolhouse

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