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Calling all Crafters!!

There will be a benefit craft fair at the Union Schoolhouse on Saturday, November 17th from 9:30am-3:30pm.  We are raising money to contribute to a fund for the purchase of a handicapped accessible van for our dear friend and fellow homeschooling mom, Stacy Carlson.  We are looking for crafters of all kinds to reserve a table for the fair.  All items for sale must be hand-made.   Table rental fees and proceeds from a 50/50 raffle will be given to the Van fund.  Please mark your calendars and stop by to see what’s available, maybe pick up a few unique Christmas gifts!  Please contact us with questions 603-652-9911.  ($15 for a 6 ft. table)

Print a registration form here:  Craft-Fair-Registration-2012

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