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Trim Healthy Mama Meeting

Do you need to lose some weight and take control of your health? Or maybe you are at a goal weight but would like to maintain it while still enjoying delicious foods every day? Did you know that you can live a healthy life, enjoy your body AND still enjoy food? Hundreds of women are enjoying a changed life from the Amazon #1 best seller in the women’s health and fitness category, “Trim Healthy Mama”. Whether you are a stay at home mom, a working career woman, a teenager, or enjoying grandkids, you can adapt this wonderful lifestyle to meet your pace, your personal taste buds, and your own families needs. Come and find out how! `

Trim Healthy Mama Meeting! When: October 26, 2013 What time: 12:00pm WHERE: Union schoolhouse, Union, New Hampshire Cost: free! *Lunch will be provided. If you are already following the trim healthy mama lifestyle, a plan approved lunch item would be appreciated.

If you plan to come, let us know! Contact: Ashley Plourd

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