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Mrs. Debow’s Spring Class Offerings

Mrs. DeBow’s Classes at the Union Schoolhouse
Spring 2017
Contact: or 603-522-6358

For the Love of Poetry
Tuesdays 10:45-12:15 (February 7-April 4)
Cost: $25
Textbook: The Best Poems of the English Language… by Harold Bloom
This class is for 7th grade and up. It is for high school credit. We will talk about rhyme, rhythm, other sound techniques, styles of poetry, reading poetry for understanding, and reading poetry aloud. We will talk about how to approach poetry so that it is understandable and enjoyable.
Come Play with Us!
Tuesdays 10:45-12:15 (April 11-May 23 with a week off in April)
Reading and Analyzing Cyrano de Begerac (edited)
Cost $25
Textbook provided; NO acting involved
This class is for 7th grade and up for high school credit. Cyrano de Begerac is a fun, exciting play that has enough sword fighting to please adventure lovers and enough romance to please the rest of us. What happens when a soldier is self-conscious about his looks but has fallen in love with a beautiful young woman who has given her heart to another?
Writing Research Papers
Thursdays 10:45-12:15 (March 17-May 11 with a week off in April)
Cost $25
This class is for 7th grade and up for high school credit. We will go over the basics of research in the library and online; how to support your arguments with credible sources; proper citation of sources; and writing, proofreading, and editing your research paper.

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