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“Our” schoolhouse

So, we’ve been tossing around all kinds of ideas on what types of classes and activities to  offer at the schoolhouse.  Have you??  We hope so!  We may be the ones buying this building but we want YOUthe area homeschool community – to consider it yours just as much as it is ours.   Our hope is that you make yourselves comfortable and make the most of this space!

With that in mind, we thought we’d share a bit of our intent for this space and also talk about what is NOT in our thought process as we move forward. We’d love to hear your ideas and thoughts in the comments or on the facebook page.

Our Intention Is NOT To…

Run everything! Our goal is NOT to be the organizer and owner of all events at the schoolhouse. Sure, there may be some uses we’d love to see and may even organize… for instance, Megan would love to see a public speaking course, Mike would love to see a US Constitution/civics course…but we don’t want to plan everything and we don’t plan to attend every event either.  We want you to feel free to take your ideas and make them happen!

Our Intention IS To…

Hand you the key and say have fun. Sounds simple, but that really is where our heart is. This will be a space that the homeschool community can call their own.  We’re excited to see how you plan on using the space.

Financial Intention

Some have asked if there will be a fee to use the schoolhouse.  If someone wishes to use the space to conduct for-profit business…meaning, they charge each student to attend..then we will charge a very reasonable rent fee that will be a whole lot less expensive then renting office or business space!  We feel this is fair and the rent fee would help offset the costs of keeping the building open.  If someone wishes to use the space for a free or non-profit event or activity, then the space will be available free of charge.  We do not in any way see this as a money making venture as we anticipate this space being used mainly for non-profit activities… if you have more specific questions about this, please contact us.  If you are attending a free event but wish to make a donation, you certainly may…donations of paper towels or a bottle of cleaner or any other often used supply would be just as appreciated as a monetary donation.   Many of you have offered your time to help during the renovation…that’s awesome!


We have been approached about a robotics club, some science classes and other such uses already but the only limit is the imagination in the community. We’d love to hear your thoughts and we’d love to know how you would like to use the space!

 Our last hurdle is the Conditional Use Permit meeting in Wakefield at the Planning Board this Thursday at 7PM. If we get the nod there, the next step is signing a lot of papers, writing a check and getting a set of keys that we hope to copy and share with you.  We plan to have the doors open by September of this year and scheduling will be on a first come, first served basis!




2 comments to “Our” schoolhouse

  • I’m so excited at the possibilities! My only wish is that it were closer to Strafford 🙂 but I have to travel about a half hour to just about everything anyway! I’d love to see a Keepers of the Faith meet there, but prefer daytime, as other groups I’ve heard of meet at night…too late for my girl…Looking forward to helping in any way I/we can! Any group that’s paying money for a space right now should take advantage of this major blessing! I know God will bless your family for this too!

  • […] Posted on May 25, 2012 by Mike & Megan As of this morning, the schoolhouse is officially “ours”…let the work begin!  A dumpster is being delivered this afternoon.  Mike will spend […]

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