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Teen Takeover *UPDATE*

We have tentatively scheduled a TEEN TAKEOVER night for the 3rd Week of each month.   This is intended to be an evening for homeschooling teens to get together without siblings.  The teens can plan the night.  A few ideas…use the field for frisbee, kickball, basketball, etc…inside will be XBOX 360, hopefully a ping pong table, board games, etc….make, tacos…just “hang out”…
We were thinking ages 13-17…but we trust your discretion!
We will plan to alternate every other month with Monday and Wednesday evenings to try to accommodate as many families as we can. As the group gets settled, we may be able to set one regular night that works for everyone…. let’s wait and see!
The first night will be Monday, Sept 17th. 6-8:30 PM. This group will take the shape of how the teens create it…. with time just to socialize and interact, and possibly activities to do.The first meeting will be  “Meet and Greet” style, with some ice breaker games, laid back social time and…well… FOOD (After all, what else do teenagers need??!!).  Also, during the first meeting, we will try to compose a list of activities that the kids might be interested in (or not interested in), and either vote on what the group would like to do, or prep to vote on the second meeting… so bring ideas!
For parents who are looking to help out, we need some good eats, (or basic materials for the kids to make some), and paper goods so if you can contribute please email Deb Zabkar and let her know. Also… please feel free to contribute… ideas!!!!!!
FMI or if you are able to help or have ideas to share please contact Deb Zabkar. 603-591-9622.

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