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Teen Takeover changes

Hi Everyone!  As you may have read, Deb Zabkar, who has been organizing the Teen Takeover at the schoolhouse since September, has secured a new location in Rochester for the teens to meet.  Deb has done a fantastic job planning some great nights and we encourage you to contact her for more information on what she has in store.

We WILL continue our monthly Teen Takeover at the schoolhouse.  One of our goals from the beginning has been to offer more opportunities for our local homeschool teens!  Getting together with friends is so important for this age group.  We are willing to coordinate these meetings ourselves but as we stated in September, if you’re interested in helping, please let us know!  We’d love to hear from a few parents willing to share their time and ideas.  We hold Teen Takeover once a month and if we had a few parents willing to step up, perhaps we could rotate months, making it a shared effort rather than a burden for one or two.


Mike & Megan




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