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School Photos

Erin Moore from Mercy Street Studio has announced three dates/locations when she will be offering her School Photo shoots!  All three sessions are open to anyone.  She will return to the Schoolhouse on SEPTEMBER 17th 10-11am.  No sign up necessary.  She only needs a couple minutes with each child to snap a GORGEOUS portrait, so swing by within the one hour timeframe and you’ll be all set!  If you would like to look over the order form in advance, please send Erin an email and she will send it to you:
Photos will be taken outdoors again this year, a rain date will be scheduled if necessary.   Tell a friend, all are welcome! (the photo below was taken at last year’s shoot!)

2 comments to School Photos

  • Monica

    Will there be any school pictures with Erin this year? We were so pleased with them last year!!

    • Hi Monica, no, we did not set anything up with Erin this year for photos 🙁 I believe she is offering “Back to School” photos on September 20th (not sure of location, her studio maybe?) I would call/email Mercy Street Studios so you don’t miss out!!! She does do such a great job!

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