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Kung Fu classes in Wakefield

*note:  these classes are NOT held at the Union Schoolhouse.  Just sharing another wonderful opportunity nearby! Contact info below.


Twin Dragon is pleased to offer another 8 week introductory home school Kung Fu program at our school on Rte 16 in Wakefield NH.

We are located 5 minutes north of the Union School House.


Each Session will be offered so long as a minimum of 4 students register, and there is a Maximum number of 10 students per class (in order to maintain the highest levels of instructional quality).

Two class sessions are being offered.


Please call (603)988-8922 to register.

Introductory sessions run

September 4th through October 25th


Session A Tuesdays  3:00 – 4:00PM


Session B Thursdays  3:00 – 4:00PM

– Each 8 week session is $40 per student.

– No Equipment or Other Purchase Necessary to Attend.

– Each class will be approximately 1 hour long

– The class is offered to children ages 6 and up

(exceptions may be made at Sifu’s discretion)

– For children younger than 6 please see our Tiny Tigers Kung Fu program.


**We hope to see you soon**

Twin Dragon Kung Fu

Rte 16

Wakefield NH 03872

You can learn more about us by visiting our website:



The fine print:

Completed registration waiver must submitted before starting the first class. No makeup dates will be offered for missed classes. There are No refunds or credit given for missed classes. Once begun, this offer cannot be transferred to any other student.
Thank you son Much !!
Sifu John

2 comments to Kung Fu classes in Wakefield

  • Hi Everyone,
    Just a reminder that our Home School Kung Fu Classes are scheduled to begin Next Week on Tuesday.
    There is Still spaces available for the
    Tuesday session from 3:00 to 4:00PM.
    Please contact us
    if you are interested in attending.
    As a reminder:
    Each 8 week session is $40 per student.
    – No Equipment or Other Purchase Necessary to Attend.
    – Each class will be approximately 1 hour long
    – The class is offered to children ages 6 and up
    (exceptions may be made at Sifu’s discretion)
    – For children younger than 6 please see our Tiny Tigers Kung Fu program.

    **We hope to see you soon**
    Twin Dragon Kung Fu
    Rte 16
    Wakefield NH 03872
    You can learn more about us by visiting our website:

  • Additional Home School Kung Fu Class starting Monday !!

    Hello everyone,

    Twin Dragon Kung Fu is offering an additional
    Home school Kung Fu 8 week introductory session
    at our school on Rte 16 in Wakefield NH.
    We are located 5 minutes north of the Union School House.

    This Session is Family Style and will be offered to students and their parents. There is a Maximum number of 12 students per class
    (in order to maintain the highest levels of instructional quality).

    There are 3 options for this additional session.
    Monday’s at 5PM until 6PM.
    Wednesday’s at 5PM until 6PM.
    Or Both Monday & Wednesday 5PM until 6PM.

    Introductory sessions run
    September 10th through October 31st
    – No Equipment or Other Purchase Necessary to Attend.
    – Each class will be approximately 1 hour long.
    – Monday 8 week session is $50 per student.
    – Wednesday 8 week session is $50 per student.
    – Monday & Wednesday combined session $50 per month.
    – The class is offered to children ages 7 and up
    (exceptions may be made at Sifu’s discretion)
    – For children younger than 6 please see our Tiny Tigers Kung Fu program.

    Please call (603)988-8922 to register.

    **We hope to see you soon**
    Twin Dragon Kung Fu
    Rte 16
    Wakefield NH 03872
    Please visit our updated website:

    The fine print:
    Completed registration waiver must submitted before starting the first class. No makeup dates will be offered for missed classes. There are No refunds or credit given for missed classes. Once begun, this offer cannot be transferred to any
    other student.

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