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Spanish I

Spanish I
Mon. / Thurs. 9:00-10:30 a.m. (Sept 10, 2012 – May 23, 2013)
At the Union Schoolhouse
Using BJU Press Spanish I curriculum
$100 / student + Student Text and Student Activities Manual
Teacher: Paula DeBow (contact 522-6358 or
This class is for students (grades 7-12) who have never started (or completed) a year of Spanish.  Language study in a class can be more enjoyable and more rewarding as students learn from one another as well as from the teacher and the textbook.  There is a significant savings in taking a class because only the teacher will need to purchase the teacher’s edition books and CDs.  This class will begin with the alphabet and greetings and will move on toward more complicated grammatical constructions.  Also included will be carrying on short conversations, listening to native Spanish speakers on CD, and studying the culture/geography of hispanic countries. There will be formal tests and a grade at the end of the year.
If you are interested in a conversational Spanish class for students who have already completed a year of Spanish, please contact me.  I have a retired friend who is a native Spanish speaker who would be willing to teach a more advanced class if there is enough interest.

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