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Public Speaking Class

Six-week Public Speaking Class
Week 1 (Oct 12): Making Introductions (Yourself and Others)
Week 2 (Oct 19): Dramatic Reading
Week 3 (Oct 26): Memorized Speech
Week 4 (Nov 2): Hear a Storyteller
Week 5 (Nov 9): Prepared 3-Min. Speech
Week 6 (Nov 16): Speaking on the Fly: Impromptu Speeches
High School Public Speaking
In this six-week public speaking course, we will look at the need for public speaking and how to improve our abilities as public speakers. And we will give you plenty of chances to practice, practice, practice in a friendly environment. Friday afternoons 1-2:30pm. Instructor: Paula DeBow, please email with questions and to register.  Charge for course: $15.

2 comments to Public Speaking Class

  • Dawn Roiter

    I am glad you are offering this class. I will speak to my daughter this week and get back to you. Dawn Roiter

  • Liz Cantrall

    Very exciting! I would love for Jake to participate. He really enjoyed your writing class last year. We just need to see if we can make it work with our schedule. I will let you know ASAP:)

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