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Teen Night-March

March Teen Night!

Union Schoolhouse When: Monday, March 11 Time: 6:30-8:30

Greetings Teens!

We are excited to be able to continue a teen group at the Union Schoolhouse. There will be a few changes beginning in March. Teen Night will be the 2nd Monday of the month […]


Computer Skills

Sign Up Reminder:

Computer Skills on how to use Windows, Movie Maker, Gimp, and Open Office. Wednesdays form 3-5 From March 6 – April 24 Cost:$80 due on the first day of class. Students: High School only. Parents are welcome to attend and learn as well. Please contact William Hermonat:

Teen Takeover changes

Hi Everyone! As you may have read, Deb Zabkar, who has been organizing the Teen Takeover at the schoolhouse since September, has secured a new location in Rochester for the teens to meet. Deb has done a fantastic job planning some great nights and we encourage you to contact her for more information on what […]

No Field games today! 2/18

No Field Games 2/11

due to today’s forecasted weather, we will not meet for games!