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2013 Spring Formal registration form now available!

2013 Spring Formal Registration



Intro to Poetry- high school

Introduction to Poetry Class

I would like to offer a 6-week course that will introduce high school students to the wonders of poetry. We will cover topics such as how to read poetry aloud, how to understand poetry, and how tell if it’s poetry when it doesn’t even rhyme. We will look at rhyme, rhythm, […]

“100 Years of Irish Dancing” presentation by John Grimes

‎100 Years of Irish Dancing”- Union Schoolhouse- April 3rd, 10-11:30- A presentation by John Grimes, TCRG and Member of Riverdance. FREE ADMISSION- Come learn how Irish dance has evolved from a folk dance into an international entertainment phenomenon. See Michael Flatley like you’ve never seen him before dancing with his arms by his sides, footage […]

2013 Spring Formal

A new page has been added to the website for all information related to the 2013 Homeschool Spring Formal! General information is below. All updates will be added directly to the Spring Formal page. (page tab located near the top of the main page) Saturday, May 4th, 2013 7:00 p.m. until midnight Tickets $12.00 FAQ’s […]

Meeting: Veteran homeschool Moms talk high school.

I will be holding an informational meeting for parents of high schoolers or soon to be high schoolers. I have noticed that there is a great deal of concern and confusion amoung homeschool moms about what to do and how to do high school programs of study, credit hours, and transcript writing. We all want […]

Art Classes beginning 4/2

Samantha Osborne, a homeschool graduate studying at the Institute of Art in Manchester, is offering two affordable art classes at the schoolhouse beginning April 2nd. Please see the details below and contact Samantha no later than March 25th if your child(ren) are interested!


What: Junior high/ high school Beginning Drawing

When: Tuesdays […]

Secret Church Simulcast – Good Friday 3/29

When: Friday 3/29 7PM – 1AM (Doors will open at 6:30, simulcast starts promptly at 7 and ends at or slightly after 1AM depending on the event)

Where: Union Schoolhouse – Chapel Street Union, NH

Who: This is for adults and teenagers. The topic is described below and the folks that put this on say […]

Bible Study- James- Beth Moore beginning 3/26

If enough people are interested, we will host a bible study on the book of James using Beth Moore’s video/book. We would meet Tuesday evenings beginning March 26th 6:30-8:00 for 8 weeks. This is open to anyone, not just homeschool moms, so feel free to invite a friend. We will provide the video and you […]