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Civics Discussion

We’d like to thank everyone who came to the Schoolhouse Monday evening to watch the documentary, “Agenda: Grinding America Down”.  If you were not able to join us, we encourage you to view the full movie for free here.

We are meeting for a followup discussion this coming Monday, April 29th at 6:30pm at the Schoolhouse.  We are expecting a few guest speakers:

  • Randy Bowen, Chairman of the Rochester Republican City committee.
  • Hon. Gregory Hill, Former State Representative House District 6.
  • Hon.Sam Cataldo,  NH State Senate Distict 6
  • Hon. Joe Pitre, NH State Representative Farmington
  • If his schedule allows, the Hon Jeb Bradley, Former US Congressman and Senate Majority Leader of NH State Senate

We encourage you all to attend. Please invite a friend and feel free to extend an invitation outside of the homeschool community.  Childcare will be provided again this week…the children had a great time last week!  Please indicate if you will need childcare.


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