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Essential Oils info session

Janet Ellis has planned an informational night with Amy O. focusing on essential oils, their uses, and many benefits. Monday, October 28th 6pm. You’re welcome to join the fun!

School Photos are in!

We have the photos for those families who opted for shipping to the schoolhouse! Mike will be at the schoolhouse this evening (Monday 10/21) from 5:00-6:00 if you are able to stop in. Teen night is tonight as well, so you may stop in during that time to grab your photos (6-8pm). Otherwise, we can […]

Trim Healthy Mama Meeting

Do you need to lose some weight and take control of your health? Or maybe you are at a goal weight but would like to maintain it while still enjoying delicious foods every day? Did you know that you can live a healthy life, enjoy your body AND still enjoy food? Hundreds of women are […]

Scrapbooking club- high school

Create your own homeschool yearbook for 2013-2014! If you are in highschool and would like to scrapbook your personal memories/achievements/photos for your homeschool year, join us at the union schoolhouse once a month. Limited space, so please rsvp to Tina Brisson at You will need to supply/bring: a album/scrapbook of your choice (homemade […]