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Art classes with Samantha O. (new classes added)

It’s that time again- Time to start thinking about next semester, and next semesters art classes!
 I will be running a Highschool/Jr high drawing/painting from life class 
It will be held at the Union schoolhouse (Union NH)
starting Wednesday January 15th and running 12 weeks through April 2nd
It will be a two hour class from 9:00-11:00 AM
Bring a sketch pad no smaller than 8×11…, all other supplies are included
the cost will be $100 for the whole thing (roughly $8 per class)
If you are interested please let me know by January 8th with your childs name, age, grade, and whether they want to do painting, drawing, or both.
Although I need to confirm this I would like to run a 1st-3rd grade art class on Wednesdays at the school house as well. It would be an artist based class (focusing and doing projects on a different artist each week)
This class would run 12 weeks as well, on Wednesdays from 11:45-1:00.
The cost would be $100
Any interest?
Also (if you know anyone who’s interested) I will be offering a 4th-6th grade painting and drawing class (subjects covered will be open to discussion with the students on the first day) we will be doing a little bit of everything.
The class will be held at my mother’s (Stephanie Osborne) house in Rochester on Wednesdays from 2:00-3:30 for 12 weeks starting on January 15th and going through April 2nd.
the cost will be $100 for the whole thing (roughly $8 a class)
all experience levels welcome.
If you would like to sign up let me know by January 8th with your childs name, age/grade and any other questions you have.
you can reach me on my facebook page In His Image Arts, or by email, or phone (603)973-7893.

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