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Craft Day




We will be having a craft day at the schoolhouse.  This will be an opportunity for the children to make gifts for their families.   We will have  stations set up to make different gifts.  Each child may choose FIVE gifts to make.  We will help them wrap the gifts when they are finished.  We will have a variety of things to choose from, something appropriate for Mom, Dad, siblings, etc. For ages 4 and up. We will have options for all ages and abilities.  Cost is $2 per child to make 5 gifts. All materials will be provided. You may drop off your child(ren) and allow them to make surprise gifts or you are welcome to stay and lend a hand.  We have done our best to come up with economical, usable gifts…the kids will be proud of what they make!  We can accomodate 25 children. Follow this link to sign up, first come first served:   SIGN-UP NOW CLOSED. Thank you!

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