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Bible Study- James- Beth Moore beginning 3/26

If enough people are interested, we will host a bible study on the book of James using Beth Moore’s video/book. We would meet Tuesday evenings beginning March 26th 6:30-8:00 for 8 weeks. This is open to anyone, not just homeschool moms, so feel free to invite a friend. We will provide the video and you may decide if you’d like to purchase the student workbook for $14.95. The workbook will not be required but it does enhance the study. Please let us know right away if you plan to attend. We are looking for at least 5 or 6 ladies to commit before we purchase the video.  Childcare not available.  Nursing infants welcome 🙂

3 comments to Bible Study- James- Beth Moore beginning 3/26

  • Debbie Ricker

    I would like to attend 🙂

    Debbie Ricker

  • Shannan Thomas

    I would love to participate. Please let me know if there will be a group order for workbooks or if I should place an individual order.

    Thank you,
    Shannan Thomas

    • Great, Shannan. I will be placing a book order for anyone who needs one, probably through Amazon as they have the best price I can find…$16.20 I think…I plan to place the order on the 19th, payment for the book may be given the first night. Megan

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