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Meeting: Veteran homeschool Moms talk high school.

I will be holding an informational meeting for parents of high schoolers or soon to be high schoolers. I have noticed that there is a great deal of concern and confusion amoung homeschool moms about what to do and how to do high school programs of study, credit hours, and transcript writing. We all want the best for our kids and so we each choose curriculums based on our child’s needs, and yet we are all responsible for the same credit hours. In order to try and alleviate some of the fear and the uncertainty I’ve heard in many different circles, I have put together a panel of Christian homeschool moms that have already walked this road before us and that are willing to come and share their experiences. They are all from different homeschool walks, some very traditional with one set program, and some very eclectic, but each has had a student graduate successfully. After they take turns sharing, we will have a question/answer time so your specific concerns will be addressed.
SPEAKERS: Judy Cole, Julie Polychronis, Connie Button, and Sue Zelie

Date: Thursday, April 11, 2013
Time: 6:30-(till the questions are answered, hopefully)
Place: Union Schoolhouse 80 Chapel St, Union, NH

PLEASE RSVP: Dawn Roiter 473-2474,
Some of the speakers are willing to bring samples and helpful information, so if you  RSVP, we can have copies of this for you to take home.
But anyone is welcome even if you can come at the last minute.

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