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Let’s Go!

As of this morning, the schoolhouse is officially “ours”…let the work begin! A dumpster is being delivered this afternoon. Mike will spend Saturday tearing down the ceiling tiles and insulation. All are welcome to stop by to check out the building…or lend a hand!



Full Speed Ahead

Conditional Use Permit Approved!

I (Mike) went to the Planning Board meeting tonight seeking the final approval of our Conditional Use application. After a few questions about the property and explaining what kind of activities would go on (they seemed confused that homeschoolers would need space away from home for anything 🙂 ) I received […]

“Our” schoolhouse

So, we’ve been tossing around all kinds of ideas on what types of classes and activities to offer at the schoolhouse. Have you?? We hope so! We may be the ones buying this building but we want YOU – the area homeschool community – to consider it yours just as much as it is ours. […]

Question for you…

There is a nice hill at the front of the schoolhouse going down to the field that has been used by many a kid over the years for sledding. Some of you have mentioned fond kindergarten and first grade memories of sledding there during recess. When I (Megan) was born, my parents lived in the […]


The septic inspection was this past Monday in the pouring rain. The man that came out is from the same company the town had hired while they owned the property. He told us we have an “old school” stone and pipe system. In his opinion this is the “cadillac” of septic systems?? He saw no […]